Virtual office and address on Obchodná Street, in Bratislava

Virtual office and address

security services of registered office and virtual address along with mail management and addictional services for your company.

Vyberte si službu a vyplňte objednávku

1. Choose a service and place the order

Vývoj a nasadenie informačných
a rezervačných systémov  na mieru pre automatizaciu vašich procesov.

Podpíšeme zmluvu o poskytovaní služieb

2. We will sign the contract for the provision of services

Ponuka naprogramovanie web aplikácií
a intranetových aplikácií podľa požiadovanej funkcionality klienta.

Zašleme vám súhlas k zriadeniu sídla

3. We will send you the consent to establish your virtual office

Komplexné portálové a eCommerce riešenia s internetovým obchodom pre ponuku vašich produktov na internete.

Sídlo na Obchodnej

A virtual office at Obchodná 39

A distinctive virtual office for your business company on Obchodná Street in the center of the Old Town in Bratislava. Taxing district Bratislava I.

The new address for your company is Obchodná 39, Bratislava 811 06.
Contact us
Vaše požiadavky na zriadenie sídla a služieb virtuálnej adresy vybavíme operatívne a rýchlo


We will handle your requirements for setting up an office and services of virtual address operatively and quickly.

Služby poskytujeme už niekoľko rokov na profesionálnej úrovni a čo najviac automatizovane


We have been providing services for several years on professional level and as automatically as possible.

Služby pokutujeme maximálne diskrétne a vaša korešpondencia je chránená poštovým resp. obchodným tajomstvom


Services are provided as discreetly as possible and your correspondence is protected by postal or trade secret.

A great offer of Extra services for your virtual office

We build our own applications on CMS system, Globalweb - content management system which provides maximum flexibility in the development of information and reservation systems, portal solutions, and web presentations. It contains several basic functions and modules for managing the content of your applications:

    • consent to the established office
    • a label on a mailbox
    • receiving of mails
    • e-mail and SMS notification
    • photo of received mails
    • filtration
    • scan of received mails
    • online evidence of mails
    • notification
    • authentification
Price: 29,- Euro / month
Super balík Extra služieb
virtuálneho sídla
Super balík Extra služieb
virtuálneho sídla

Our benefits

We offer you professional virtual office services for your company.

Our own real property

Prestigious address

SMS and e-mail notification

Online application

consent to the establishment of the virtual office

issuing consent for the establishment of the virtual office after the conclusion of the contract on the provision of services.

labels on mailbox and building

legally labeled mailbox and building with your company's name

receiving of mails and parcels

receiving of mails and parcels in the name of the company together with recorded mails based on a power of attorney

Services of virtual address

Služba virtuálnej adresy

forwarding of received mails

regular weekly forwarding of received mails as recorded for the monitoring of shipments.

SMS and e-mail notification

notification of received mails by electric form as SMS or e-mail.

online evidence of received mails

access to the online system for evidence of received mails for your company

About us

We are a dynamic company providing virtual registered office and address for several years at a prestigious address in the center of Bratislava I in our own real property. We take care of our clients with maximum professionalism. They are our best reference. 

Effectively and agilely

We will take care of your company office with full professionalism and commitment. We will provide you with all contractually agreed services at professional level that leave you as satisfied as possible.


clients and offices


years of experience

Online application for mail management

For mail management, we use our own online web application- CRM system, where in addition to internal business matters, we record your received mails for further notification.

Contact us
Online aplikácia pre evidenciu pošty

virtual and registration office for companies

virtual and postal address for your business

 virtual company for online business

Services of our company

Služby spoločnosti

establishing of new trading companies

sale of ready-made companies 

making changes and registrations in the commercial register


A number of clients


A number of mails


A number of parcels


A number of scans

"We are growing and you should join us!"

Contact us

Our mission

Wide range of experience


Modern services


Fair price


Our mission is to provide you professional virtual office and address for your company. From setting up your company's office to managing your mails, service of forwarding mails, and notifications.

Our team with rich experience will provide you with the services of virtual office and virtual address, efficiently provide services at reasonable prices, and with professional pro-client support.

Call us

Cenník služieb sídla

Vyberte si zo širokej ponuky balíkov služieb virtuálnej adresy a virtuálneho sídla pre vašu inštitúciu spolu s doplnkovými službami tak, aby vyhovovali potrebám pre váš biznis.

Virtual office Basic
Virtual office Standard
Virtual office Extra
9,- € / month
19,- € / month
29,- € / month
Contractual commitment
Periodicity of payment
Consent to the establishment of virtual office
Labeling of your company on the building 
Activation of mailbox
Mail forwarding service
Receiving recorded mails
Notification by e-mail
Notification by SMS
Online evidence of mails and packages
Scanning service
12 months
12 months
12 months
12 months
12 months
3, 6, 12 months

Become our partner

Let's build your virtual company with office located in good business address with secured services of virtual office.

Blog o sídlach

Môj vlastný POBOX v Bratislave

Môj vlastný POBOX v Bratislave
Ako majú postupovať tí, ktorí nemajú trvalý pobyt, alebo vlastnú nehnuteľnosť?

Vlastná nehnuteľnosť pre sídlo

Vlastná nehnuteľnosť pre sídlo
Pre zriadenie sídla je najdôležitejšou vecou budova, kde má byť sídlo spoločnosti umiestnené.

Výhody virtuálnej spoločnosti

Výhody virtuálnej spoločnosti
Virtuálna spoločnosť má niekoľko pre podnikateľa podstatných výhod, ktoré spočívajú v tom, že sa podnikateľ môže plne venovať podnikaniu – obchodom a o podporné procesy bude postarané cez takúto virtuálnu spoločnosť.
Do you have any questions about virtual office and address services? Enter your phone number and we will call you back!

Let's stay in contact

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+421 915 722 546



Obchodná 39, Bratislava, SK

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